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Prayer Points: October 2024

Consider these prayer points as springboards into deeper prayer and intercession.

“And it shall come to pass that just as you were a curse among the nations, o house of Judah and house of Israel, so I will save you, and you shall be a blessing.”  Zech 8:13





“For three sins of Gaza, even for four, I will not turn back My wrath. Because she took captive whole communities.”

Amos 1:6

The Hamas terrorists of Gaza killed 1,200 Israelis from communities close to the border and took hostages back into Gaza. Many of whom have since been killed.




“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.”  Romans 12:19


God gave the Land to Israel and the western boundary was the Mediterranean Sea. The Palestinians believe that Israel is on their land because of the Muslim occupation for over 450 years. But it is the other way round! They were then and are still now on land given by God to Israel.



“In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
 I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat
There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,
because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.

Joel 1:1-2

Tremble for the nations – they will face God’s coming wrath and judgement. Pray that Israel’s enemies will have a change of heart and at least learn to live alongside Israel without the need for violence and threats of annihilation.





03 October:                            Rosh Hashanah / Feast of Trumpets / Jewish New Year

12 October                             Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement

17-23 October                        Succot / Feast of Tabernacles

24 October                             Simchat Torah / The Eighth Day

07 October                             The anniversary of the massacre on the Gaza border







1st October saw a major escalation of the conflict between Israel and Iran and its proxies. Iran fired almost 200 ballistic missiles into Israel. The majority were intercepted but some got through causing damage across Israel. Prior to the attack Ali Khamenei the Supreme Leader of Iran and other senior figures had been taken into hiding in secure locations. Hezbollah continues to fire hundreds of missiles every day into northern Israel.

On the same day, the IDF began a limited ground incursion into eastern Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah weapons stocks and missiles from villages close to the border. Israel knows exactly where these stockpiles are, having tracked them over many months. Large numbers of missiles and weapons stockpiles are in civilian houses often located close to schools, medical facilities and mosques. The ground operation is also targeting tunnels built by Hezbollah, many of which lead into Israel and were intended for an October 7th style attack on the Galilee region.

Israel is promising that Iran will pay a heavy price for the attack and we are waiting to see what form this retaliation will take.

International calls for a ceasefire are likely to fall on deaf ears. Where were the calls for Hezbollah to cease firing missiles into northern Israel during the last twelve months? 60,000 who had been forced to leave their homes barely got a mention.

Although the command structure of Hezbollah and their communications capability have been severely damaged and weakened in the past few weeks, there are still thousands of trained and battle-hardened soldiers and many thousands of weapons in Lebanon. Clearing them out will be difficult and will take time. 

Although there is still work to be done in Gaza, Israel’s primary focus has switched to dealing with the threat from Hezbollah in Lebanon.



The IDF continues to operate in Gaza clearing and destroying tunnels and eliminating the last brigade of Hamas fighters. Little has been heard recently from the Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar leading to speculation that he may have been killed although there is no firm evidence of this. No progress has been made on negotiations to release the remaining hostages and It would appear that Hamas has no interest in a hostage release deal and ceasefire.



Praise the Lord for giving Israel amazing skills and abilities to outsmart its enemies.

Pray that the Lord will help Israel find a way to release the hostages without paying a huge price in released terrorists.

Pray for wisdom for Benjamin Netanyahu, his cabinet, IDF and other agency leaders. Pray that the Lord will help them to make wise and timely decisions.

Pray that the Lord will deliver Yahya Sinwar into Israeli hands bringing a swift end to that war and the end of suffering for the civilian population of Gaza.

Pray for the physical and mental health of all those still being held hostage in Gaza.

Pray for the safe return of the hostages. Pray for their families and friends and pray the Lord’s protection and comforting from the psychological warfare that Hamas is conducting through them.

Pray the Lord’s hedge of protection around the IDF soldiers serving in Gaza and Lebanon.

Pray for the people in Gaza especially the Christians. Pray for protection from the armed mafia gangs and Hamas fighters who are now preying upon the population.

Pray for the families of all those husbands, wives, sons and daughters serving in the IDF. Pray that they may know the Lord’s shalom, peace, strength and comfort whilst their loved ones serve. 

Pray for the families who are still displaced from their homes, pray that they may soon go home.

Pray for the Lord’s restraining hand to be on those in The West Bank who would cause trouble, both Arabs and Jews.

Pray for the unity of Israel. Pray that the re-emerging divisions will not divert attention away from the most important issues that need to be resolved.

Pray for the open hearts of Israelis as they are witnesses to the love of Christians worldwide that are standing for Israel. May God kindle jealousy in their hearts to know personally the source of that love and conviction.

Pray that all Israel will seek the Lord Yeshua and receive His salvation.

Pray for the nation’s mental health. So many are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Praise the Lord that He is regathering His people to His Land despite/because of the war.




Acknowledgement:  These prayer points have been consolidated from a number of sources including Prayer Letters and Newsletters originating in God’s Land. 





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The Mount Moriah Trust

Helping Needy Believers in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank

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